a4uexpo 2012 3

Subheadings: Why they're important and how to use them effectively

How many times have you clicked on a blog with a compelling title and then been greeted with an uninviting wall of text?

I have experienced this countless times. On each instance I have closed the window with my interest in the blog closing just as quickly. Even if the content of your blog is brilliant, presenting it as a block of text is a sure-fire way to render it unreadable.

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a4uexpo 2012 3

Should networking be left to the sales guys?

Networking is often looked upon as an inroad for salespeople to infiltrate into comfortable surroundings and subtly target potential customers – to the inexperienced eye, that is.
Have you been using networking events wrong all along? Are you the middleman in your business to whom ‘networking’ doesn’t concern? Well, I would like to share with you some of the benefits that could come as a blessing in disguise when you’re not necessarily there to pounce…

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a4uexpo 2012 3

Why writing wonderful headlines is easy, really

Knowing how to create a good blog post title is a fine art.
It’s one that, I must admit, I saw as my weakness for a very long time.
Being able to piece together a stunning, attention-grabbing, read-me-or-you’ll-regret-it title is just as difficult as writing the post itself, if not harder. Any writer worth their salt will tell you that writing five ludicrously good words is tougher than penning one thousand plus.
But it is something you can learn to do.

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