The Importance of Marketing

What is Marketing?
Marketing is the promoting and selling of products or services for your business. Most businesses will have someone working for them who targets the marketing side of the business and promotes your company and the products/services that you offer. The aim of marketing is to make yourself known to as many people as possible, let them know who you are, what you do and what you can do for them.

Why is Marketing so Important?

Marketing is very important to every business because it contributes to the success of the company by bringing in sales and new clients. If you get your marketing right then you should have deals coming in all the time but if you’re not then something is wrong with how you’re marketing your services/products for your business. One of the main things that you need on your side is creativity. You need to be completely original if you want to be noticed by people. If you’re a sheep and follow the crowd then whatever you have sent out to people will be deleted or thrown in the bin with no notice taken of it.

Are Sales and Marketing the same thing?
No, many people think that Marketing and Sales are the same things but they’re not. Marketing covers many different areas such as advertising and promoting to generate sales. Sales refers to one-on-one, person-to-person sales calls and meeting to make deals with potential clients. Sales is talking or dealing directly with someone, marketing is grabbing someone’s attention with your marketing ideas and drawing them in to make them want to work with you.

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