Digital Convenience Replacing Artistry

Over the past decade the rapid advancement of technology has changed the face of the creative industry dramatically. With digital creative tools now available to everybody at an affordable price it seems that everybody nowadays considers themselves a photographer, designer, illustrator, filmmaker etc.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But I often wonder if this is damaging the way we perceive art? As the web overflows with amazing talent the value of art has lowered. Now most of the time, talented artist are forced to sell their services for cheap, if not for free. Twenty years ago a talented artist would rarely have had to give away his work for free but things have changed.

In our constant desire to make things more convenient and faster; has the convenience of digital technology killed artistry? Speaking from personal experience shooting photos on film and drawing artwork by hand is a much more enjoyable experience and usually delivers better and more dynamic results. For instance when shooting on film the photographer is forced to take extra care to capture their subject rather than filling a 1gig memory card with mediocre shots, then later relying on Photoshop to make the photo more interesting in someway.
By using more traditional techniques not only will you find the experience much more enjoyable, but it will give any work that you deliver more value whilst setting you apart from your competitors.

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