How to Repurpose Your Content for Better Results

Ever put tonnes of effort writing a piece of content you’re certain your audience will love, only to share it out to your network… and get nothing back?
You won’t be the only one, and it’s not always that your choice of topic was a flop. Maybe you’ve picked the wrong time to share it, or you went with the wrong medium when you published.
This blog will cover the different options you have to repurpose a great piece of content. So that blog you wrote might be better presented as a podcast, that infographic could be a great video, that slideshow could be a brilliant videographic. Repurposing is all about redesigning the format to best serve your content.
Here are a few ideas to get you started.

How to Repurpose Your Content

So how should you choose a piece of content to repurpose? You might have a piece that didn’t do so well but you feel made some great points or perhaps your format limited the points you could make in your content and the whole piece suffered as a result. Either way, experimenting with another format could bring your idea to life.
You may also find a blog did unusually well. ‘Going viral’ is based on your own stats:
if your site has 30 daily visits, 30 shares could mean going viral. It may be worth looking back at some of your top shared blogs and seeing if you can give them another whirl to make the most of that content.
With the world of analytics being so easily accessible on Twitter, you should consider taking the time to scan through the tweets you posted that got a high rate of engagement. Can these be turned into another form of content?

A white paper is a formal form of content, usually created to share information on complex issues.
Maybe you feel you merely touched the surface in a piece of written content for fear of rambling. You should definitely consider a white paper or a guide for longform how to’s and informative topics that just can’t be confined to Google’s latest recommendations for content.
The key to a good white paper is including lots of research and evidence to support your points, a bit like a dissertation. That’s not to say the paper needs to be academic, adding sources shows that you have a breadth of knowledge on the subject.
Turning an existing piece of content into a videographic couldn’t come at a better time. With the rise of video across social platforms in recent years this is a proven method to grab your audience’s attention. Expanding a successful infographic into a videographic is your best bet here. Think stats, stats, stats (and some cool animation to deliver them).

(See more about The Evolution Of Content Marketing in our blog!)
John Lee Dumas, the man behind Entrepreneur on Fire podcast will stand by his well repeated phrase: “Sales happen on live webinars!”.
Webinars could be about something new and exciting to you. Or you could build them around an already strong piece of content that gained high engagement. Knowing that your audience is already interested in this topic will give you a real customer profile to cater to.
Following on from webinars, don’t let all the hard work making a slideshow go to waste. The time you choose to broadcast your webinar might not suit everyone who may have wanted to participate. It only makes sense that you would transfer the existing slides to a slideshare.
When done right, an infographic will be liked, commented, shared and included in mainstream publications. Condense the most exciting and graphic areas of your blog into an interesting infographic for mass exposure.
Could your content be more interesting with a little bit more explanation and a personal touch? As I’ve mentioned, recent years have seen a stage set for video; the ‘next big thing’ on social. Just think of all the times you’ve found yourself sidetracked on Facebook watching Tasty videos…

If you had an interesting and thought provoking piece of content it may be worth sending it out to other specialists in your industry and asking their opinion. Republishing the content within their interview will gain great exposure as they’re likely to share to their networks.
Hopefully now you have a published piece in mind to be repurposed and promoted to your audience again, fresh and up to date. Perhaps you’ll go on to create content in the future, keeping in mind how it could be repurposed for a rainy day. You never know, it could go viral this time.