The Importance of Content Marketing Personas

As a company, it’s your responsibility to know your audience before you try sell your product – but does everyone who works for you know who your business is geared towards?
Do they know the lifeline of customers that are keeping your company afloat?
And their peers that could be future income for you and your brand?
Perhaps not, which is why creating personas is a great way to bridge the gap between your company’s target prospects and your employees.

So if you’re interested in ensuring your staff are more clued up when it comes to your target audience, then read on to find out how to do precisely that.
1. Why are personas important?

As mentioned earlier if you have a content marketing scheme in place, you need to know who your audience are.
Who’s going to care about your product?
Who’s going to want to see your blog posts and be encouraged to do business with you?
Before your content marketing can succeed in your sector by any stretch of the imagination, these are key things that you need to make sure you know.
And you also have a responsibility to ensure your staff know, too.
But how can you do this? Well, you can create personas.
2. How can I create personas for my company? 
The starting point question for this is exactly what is a persona?
A persona is a fictional descriptive profile of the typical type of person who fits the target audience for your company.
And to create these personas, you need to ask vital questions, one of which is:
‘Who buys our products?’
You may get a few vague responses… business owners… teenagers… (dependent on what services or products you provide/sell will affect your target audience).
But by asking employees to create names, interests, favourite foods/drinks, hobbies and even adding a picture they find online can really help focus this in a little more.
Knowing that David Brown – a businessman with a high rate of disposable income who enjoys leisurely walks with his dog on the weekends is the type of person you’re aiming at is going to help you focus your marketing efforts, and allow you to create a content marketing campaign that’s effective.

This is also important because you may have more than one target audience. If you want to appeal to both businesses and individuals, you may need a variety of different blog topics ticking along at once to make sure you’re getting the most out of your online efforts.
But if you need some persona advice, there are resources online that can help.
3. External Persona Resources
The government have created personas for a variety of brands available today.
They cover everything from companies to newspapers to books and movies, and some more in between too.
If you can think of a similar company to your own and type them in, you will be able to find the type of person that they believe regularly spends money on similar products.
The website can be found here and is a great starting point for identifying the target audience of your content marketing campaign.
It’s also worth taking note of who already follows you on Twitter. By taking this into consideration, you’ll be able to narrow down who already has an interest in your company and be able to head deeper into your content strategy with a clear goal in mind.
Want more help with your content marketing?

Here at Neil Walker Digital Group, we specialise in providing first-rate content marketing services to all of our clients.
We research your target audiences, and have an understanding of what’s popular in a wide selection of industries. This means we can really target your content efforts so that you get excellent results from your campaign.
We also specialise in social media, web development and SEO – so if you’d like to find out more about what we can do for you, then get in touch today on 07816897301.
You can also fill in one of our contact forms here and we’ll be in touch shortly.